
Senior Community Service Employment Program, (SCSEP)
What is SCSEP?
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a community service and work-based job training program for older Americans.
SCSEP (otherwise known as Title V of the Older Americans Act) was founded in 1965. It is the nation’s oldest program which supports low-income, unemployed individuals aged 55 and above to find work by matching eligible older adults with part-time training assignments in non-profit or other public organizations. At these training sites participants build skills and self-confidence, while earning a modest income. It is all made possible with funding by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Who is eligible for SCSEP?
To be eligible, you must be:
• 55 or older
• Unemployed
• Living on a family income of no more than 125% of the federal poverty level (if you’re not sure, contact us to see if you qualify)
How do I apply?
To apply, simply complete an application online. If you’re eligible and there is no waiting list, you will be enrolled to train at a non-profit (host agency) organization in your community.
What are the hours and pay?
You will train an average of 18 - 20 hours a week and earn the Federal or State wage whichever is highest— for example the minimum wage is $15 an hour in LA County, California (as of January 2021)
Information for Employers
IPDC SCSEP can train qualified senior workers to support your community outreach programs and fill important jobs. Some participants have been trained in high need areas to meet demand for community outreach programs.
How can my organization participate in SCSEP?
If you’re a nonprofit or public facility, you might be eligible to become a SCSEP training site or Host Agency. To be a training site, we will support your organization with:
Appropriate training and skill training for senior workers
And to offer diverse and quality training opportunities
And meet required safety standards
Program Flyer

Fringe Benefits
As an SCSEP participant, some of the fringe benefits you will receive include:
ï‚·Annual voluntary physical examination subsidized by the program (if desired).
ï‚·Workers’ Compensation coverage equal to that provided by law for covered employment.
Federal law prohibits compensation for the following while an individual is enrolled in the SCSEP:
Pension benefits
Annual leave
Accumulated sick leave
Retirement system or plan contributions
NOTE: The IPDC SCSEP is a training program and not employment.
SCSEP participants are not eligible to receive unemployment benefits or retirement benefits based on training wages earned during their community service assignment. SCSEP participants are encouraged to contact Unemployment office to ask questions about the impact of SCSEP wages on their Unemployment Insurance benefits.

Peer Support
The goals of the IPDC SCSEP are to provide: useful, part-time, work-based training opportunities through community service activities for qualified unemployed low income seniors who are 55 years of age or older with poor employment prospects. The program fosters individual economic self-sufficiency and strives to move job-ready participants into private or other unsubsidized employment.
Reminders for Participants
Participation in SCSEP has a 48-month lifetime limit, with no exceptions. Your SCSEP coordinator will explain this in greater detail during your orientation.
Your participation in SCSEP is not employment but is community service training funded by the United States Department of Labor. You will be paid for your training time at the community service assignment or other program authorized training assignments. This wage is to be considered a training wage and does not indicate that you are employed by the organization through which you enrolled in SCSEP, the federal government, or by the host agency where you are assigned.
The SCSEP is designed to teach you new and useful skills to increase your opportunities in the job market. Your enrollment in the program will depend on the availability of funds and your compliance with all program policies and guidelines.